

Interview: Founder Philipp Lechner

Rethinking cybersecurity and the birth of BACKBONE.
  • Technology

In a world where cyber-security becomes more and more important BACKBONE is the game changer. Philipp Lechner talks about the invention of a new tablet that withstands not only extreme temperatures & dirt but also cyber-attacks.

When did you start BACKBONE?

The basic idea of developing a tablet was brought to me by two soldiers. During an assignment abroad, they discovered that none of the end devices available at the time were developed for use under military conditions, but were only made “outdoor-capable” afterwards. That was in spring 2011.

Which need triggered the development of BACKBONE?

BACKBONE was originally created out of the need to develop a tablet that was as “indestructible” as possible to fill this gap.

What is BACKBONE exactly?

BACKBONE is the world’s first “single device” for simultaneous use in several security domains – i.e. a freely definable security area from which no data may escape. Sensitive or classified information from different security domains can be processed with BACKBONE for the first time at the same time on just one end user device and verifiably stored separately from each other.

What sets this system apart from the competition?

Representing cyber security only at the software level, as is currently the case, will no longer be sufficient in the future. BACKBONE stands for hardware-level cyber security. Our focus is on the uncompromising further development of our patented hardware architecture, which guarantees physical data separation of different security domains.

We are currently the only ones pursuing a hardware-centric security approach.

What motivates you in your work?

I’ve always wanted to devote myself to a great challenge that completely absorbs me. The basic question was: What is possible and where are my personal limits?” With BACKBONE I have definitely found my final boss! In the most positive of all senses…

Are there any notable collaborations?

There are some notable collaborations – however due to existing non-disclosure agreements I am currently unable to comment on any of our cooperations apart from publicly known facts regarding the FORTE, PESCO and EDIDP projects.

What does the future of BACKBONE look like?

We don’t compete to be second — we strive every day to develop promising USPs for our products.

Are there any use cases?

Any application requiring reassurance that data is only processed and stored in its intended location is a use case for BACKBONE.
You only believe you have nothing to lose until you lose it.